December 2, 2022

Quiet Hour at your local Coles and Woolworths supermarkets
Image credit: Woolworths Group. If you have high sensory registration and struggle with the sensory onslaught of loud PA announcements, crashing trolleys, changes in temperature, smells from the bakery, deli, butcher, seafood and gardening sections, staff with their large oversized cages parked in aisles in the way filling shelves that you have to carefully manoeuvre around, then you might find the "Quiet Hour" offered by supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths appealing. Woolworths doesn'…
C963MR Senior man having a stroke. He is experiencing facial weakness.
Image credit: One of our contributors has kindly shared this tip to help with facial droop:Try pressing your tongue very firmly to the inside of your cheek on the side that is drooping. Then while you are pressing your tongue inside your cheek, move it upwards and downwards. Then repeat this time moving your tongue side-to-side in each direction. This will help your brain to recognise and remap the drooping parts of your face and remind the muscles how to work correctl…
Word-Finding Difficulties? Learning a language might help.
One of our contributors noticed they were having more difficulty with word-finding (also known as anomia or anomic aphasia). They were struggling to find the right words and resorting to "you know the thing?". Or the wrong word was coming out by accident. Like many FND symptoms, it was worse when they were fatigued, in lot of pain or feeling strong emotions. You might not know that when learning a new language, most people switch back and forth between the new language and their native la…