Mobility and Movement

This section on mobility focuses on gross and fine motor skills, as well as walking (ambulation) and transfers.

Clock Yourself
Before trying this one out on your own, we'd definitely recommend chatting to your treating medical and/or allied health professionals. Get their thoughts on how to best introduce it into your rehabilitation treatment or everyday exercise plan. A few of our contributors regularly use the Clock Yourself App to help with balance, coordination and movement initiation. It's one of the neurological rehabilitation tools used by a popular FND-focused neurophysiotherapy clinics in Brisbane. Cloc…
C963MR Senior man having a stroke. He is experiencing facial weakness.
Image credit: One of our contributors has kindly shared this tip to help with facial droop:Try pressing your tongue very firmly to the inside of your cheek on the side that is drooping. Then while you are pressing your tongue inside your cheek, move it upwards and downwards. Then repeat this time moving your tongue side-to-side in each direction. This will help your brain to recognise and remap the drooping parts of your face and remind the muscles how to work correctl…